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Power Votives

Sometimes, we need a little oompf in our magic, something that sends it over the edge.  These little votives are of a standard votive size, but burn for about 10 hours typically.  Depending on your need they may burn a little faster or slower.  They are perfect for little emergencies or to feed a working in progress.

​Astral Travel

A wispy white candle with a blend of frankincense & clove oils. ï»¿


In dream state or deep meditation we can access the astral realm and travel unfettered through the universe and beyond. In the astral realm it takes but a thought to travel millions of miles or centuries of years. This is a place of multi-dimensions and easy to get lost in. This Candle helps one reach the astral realm without losing the way home.

Blessing: I travel safely through the astral realm, and return with wisdom and understanding.                                              $3.25


A new spring green candle with a blend of patchouli, myrrh and sage oils. 


Plant seeds in your fertile spirit and give birth to your wishes. The most fertile ground to plant the seeds of your heart has been cleared of the weeds and stones of emotional and spiritual upset. These emotional stressers can block your fertility and create a negative pattern of want. Calm your fears, increase your confidence, open your heart, become fully present in your life and experience the rewards of your abundant faith.


Blessing: I plant the seed of my heart and allow my desires to take root.                    $3.25


A spiritual purple candle with a mellow honeysuckle & cedar oil blend. 


Complete healing occurs in body, mind and spirit when you address the inner-personal issues that may contribute to your disease. Many times our illness comes from emotions that are suppressed and make themselves known by stress on our bodies. This Candle can help you find your center and realign your vibrations to a healthy level.

Blessing: Body, mind & spirit I release all dis-ease and fill myself with universal healing energies.                                                        $3.25


A midnight black candle, with a deep myrrh blend of essential oils.

Black is the blending of all colors, representing protection in all directions, in all areas of your life and through all of your actions. Many times issues of protection are lessons in personal boundaries and personal power. This candle will help set up a aura of protection be it from circumstances, other people’s energies or even your own self sabotage.

Blessing: From East, South, West & North; above and below, I am protected.                   $3.25

​Happy Home

A brick red candle infused with warm rose & myrrh oils. 


Your home, no matter what state it is in, is your sanctuary. Use this candle to help create an environment that is warm and inviting, or to bless others with good wishes. Allow this blend to promote happiness and good health in any home or gathering of people. Feel the tension and stress dissolve away when you burn this candle to calm a stormy household.

Blessing: I fill my home with the blessings and love of the universe. I release all tension that may reside here.                                        $3.25

​Spiritual Cleansing

A tinted white and royal purple candle with a lemongrass, sage and cypress blend. 

Cleanse your spirit of confusion - open up to all possibilities. The only things that may stop us from attaining our goals are our self-limiting thoughts and self¬sabotage. These spiritual limitations come from your every experience and your reaction to it, from hanging onto past traumas and old beliefs. It also comes from interacting with spiritually poor and emotionally unbalanced people who want a piece of your brilliance.

Blessing:  The earthly and the divine meet to cleanse my spirit.                                            $3.25

​Heart Power

A blossoming lavender colored candle with a matching fresh ylang and lavender oil blend. 


Open your heart to the wonder, beauty and magic that surrounds you. Embark upon a journey of personal discovery. Uncover and heal past hurts that limit the amount of love you allow yourself to receive. Your heart is the source of self-acceptance and self-esteem. Allow this magical blend to help you clear issues of the past and childhood.

Blessing: I fill my heart with the love of the universe, healing all past hurts.              $3.25

Spirit Guide​

A baby bottom pink color candle infused with a peppermint musk blend. 

Strengthen the connection to your spirit guides and their voices of wisdom and guidance to be heard in your life. The innocence and trust of your childhood allowed communication with spirit guides and ancestors who guided and protected you in learning life’s lessons.

Blessing: My thoughts are now open to the wisdom of my master spirit guides.              $3.25

​Inner Balance

A balanced black and white candle infused with cedar, sage and jasmine oils. 


Daily life is framed by extremes and bound by one’s response to them. At any given moment, we wear the masks of comedy or tragedy in a continual cycle of action and reaction. This candle slows the emotional and spiritual pendulum swings and bringing you to your center. This is a gentle task, like water finding its own level, carving a path in the earth for itself over centuries. A moment of quiet contemplation can mend a day’s worth of turmoil.

Blessing: I stand in the center, neither yin nor yang, experiencing the moment that brings balance.                                $3.25​

​Spell Reversal

A strong grey candle with a juniper, rosemary and ginger scent. 


Remove the masks of deception to see truth. Do you feel crazy? If you are feeling the need for this candle, most likely, you do. Feeling cursed, hexed or simply interfered with is not a subject that often gets tangible proof. This is where your psychic intuition is raised. You don’t feel quite right and you need a little back up.

Blessing: I break this spell and I am free of all it’s repercussions.                                               $3.25


An inspiring cerulean blue candle with a lavender blend of essential oils. 

The gentle cool breezes of summer have inspired poets, artists, & thinkers all through the ages. Air is said to be the origin of inspiration, intuition, communication, sound and vibration. The element of air can blow away confusion and cut through the clutter that limits your strokes of brilliance.

Blessing: I embody the source of creation and allow myself to be inspire                           $3.25by the miracle of life

Sacred Space

A silvery grey candle with a frankincense and myrrh blend.

Any space you occupy is sacred, for you are filled with the Divine. This candle is to honor you and encircle you with divine protection. It is very important to cleanse, balance and protect your working area before you begin any inner personal, meditative, healing or divination work.

Blessing: I create a sacred space all around me and fill it with all the universe.                          $3.25

Love's Enchantment

An enticing burgundy color with a spicy jasmine blend of oils. â€‹

Turning thoughts into desire whether you are a long-married couple or a new love interest, ignite an electric attraction between you, creating a passionate experience. Enchant each other by awakening the sensuality hidden deep within and fill each other with the gifts of admiration and desire.

Blessing: We are the enchanter and the enchanted. We move with the dance of passion.



An earthy brown color candle with a cypress & patchouli scent. â€‹

Form a solid foundation to build your dreams upon with the earth's energies of this candle. Earth’s energy gives stability and strength to your journey into the depths of your spirit. It is during this journey where you will discover the true worth of yourself. It is said that the element of earth holds all other elements and is the true source of magic.


Blessing: From the earth beneath me, I find the stability and strength I need.                         $3.25

​Lover Pan

A blushing pink and hot blue crowned candle with an awakening cedar musk essential blend.

Become inspired to romance and passion. Fill your night with the untamed spontaneity of innocence and youth. Put a spark into your day and allow the energy of play to dispel the tension and stress of everyday life. The Pan candle was created to remind you, don’t take life too seriously and enjoy yourself along the way.

Blessing: This moment of passion, play and spontaneity carries me to my bliss.              $3.25

Vision Quest

A honey colored candle with an honeysuckle scent. 

Each challenge, lesson and problem takes you on a quest of personal growth. Your inner vision is awakened and you blaze new pathways in your brain. It is in a moment of meditation and quiet contemplation that you can hear the small still voice inside. There you will find your reward. For genuine answers to personal questions, one must search for one’s own truths and understanding.

Blessing: I go deep within to seek the answers that solve my problems, I awaken with renewed direction.


A hot red candle with a romantic lavender spice blend. 

The Love votive is designed to open your heart, mind and spirit to the ultimate source of love. Through this universal love you can manifest what you desire and deserve. This fragrance is blended with the magic to bring about a true understanding of the love that starts within the self, for when there is self-love; you feel deserving of all good things.

Blessing: I am open to receiving the love that surrounds me and I give love without reserve.      


Male Energy

A sun yellow candle with a vanilla & patchouli musk blend. 

The sun is said to be the source of all life, that without it we would shrivel and fade. Father sky, great spirit, lord of the sun helps us to thrive and illuminate what it is we call our personal power. The sun is a daily celebration of brilliance. We can rejoice and become strengthened by these god energies, challenging our limitations and mastering our inner knowledge.

Blessing: God within, awaken and fill me with your love.                                                       $3.25

Emotional Balance

A deep turquoise candle with an orange blossom essential blend. 

Emotional Balance is found when we begin to trust our instincts & strengthen our connection with the Divine. It is this source of life that fulfills us and allows us to flow into our destiny. Water represents the sub-conscious, the place of dreams, instinct & emotions. From this place you will find the conduit to divine wisdom and greater psychic powers that bring your emotions into balance.

Blessing: I release the binding thoughts that keep me in this state of turmoil. I surrender to the flow of life, achieving my balance.                       $3.25

Energy, Fire, Will

A spicy orange candle with a sandalwood & ginger essential blend. 

From the center of your will, anything can be accomplished, for this is the first step on the road to manifesting your desires. Inspiration is the breeze that inflames the embers of your spirit, but it is the energy of passion that is required to take an idea and transform it from thought into action. Your will and ego are the motivating factors for most positive changes.

Blessing: I am filled with the power of transformation to energize me body, mind & spirit                        

​                                                                            $3.25

​Money Draw

A money green candle with a honeysuckle, patchouli and grapefruit oil blend. 

You are a channel to the abundance of the universe. Universal abundance is unlimited, so why is there so many struggles to attain it? That is because many feel that abundance is a separate object from the self when in reality, it is something we manifest from within. Money is only the catalyst to attain our desires. Circumvent the spiritual and emotional blockages to abundance and attract the wealth one needs and desires.

Blessing: The money I need, the universe will send, opening the path to wealth without end.

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Female Energy

A gentle blue candle kissed with a lotus blossom scent. 

Become empowered with the feminine energies of creation and intuition. Find your voice and express the goddess within. There is power and strength within the goddess side of the self that many do not recognize. She is unique in her ability to simultaneously create and destroy, feeling passion on both ends of the scale. See the beauty and courage of all that is female.

Blessing: Goddess within, awaken and fill me with your strength.                                                $3.25

Needed Change

A creamy candle with a heavy sandalwood scent. 

Bring about the instant change needed to get out of that rut you may be stuck in. Change what you need by releasing negative energies and patterns. Reverse the inertia in your life that may keep you from progressing. This blend is also known as the banishing candle.

Blessing: I willingly let go of my past, anticipating the new path I now embark upon.               $3.25


A prosperous green candle with an uplifting bergamot and clove blend. 

Prosperity & abundance are available in unlimited quantities, so don’t be shy. Manifest all you desire and deserve. The universe is filled with unlimited prosperity, ready for your call and commitment. All you need is the desire, commitment and knowledge that you deserve.

Blessing: I am filled with the unlimited abundance of the universe and manifest all that I need.


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