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Herbs L-Q

Lemon Verbena-Aloysia citrodora


Aloysia citrodora, Aloysia triphylla, Cedrón, Herb Louisa, Hierba Luisa, Lemon-Scented Verbena, Lippia citrodora, Lippia triphylla, Louisa, Verbena Citrodora, Verbena triphylla, Verveine Citronnée, Verveine Citronnelle, Verveine des Indes, Verveine du Chili, Verveine du Pérou, Verveine Odorante, Zappania citrodora.


Often sold as simply "Verbena".  Lemon Verbena is used to make one's self more attractive to the opposite sex.  Can be added to charms for same sex to amplify the effect.


Motherwort-Leonurus cardiaca


Lion’s tail, heartwort, Agripaume, Herbe battudo, Agripalma, Melissa, salvatica, Aartgespan, Hartgespan, yi mu cao, yakumos


Motherwort is associated with Frigga (Freya, Frige, Fricka, Frija) and Ogun
It corresponds to the energy of LeoVenus, and the element of Water.


This herb is used to build inner trust and confidence in one's instinctual choices.  It is a protective herb particularly of pregnant women and their unborn children.


Peppermint Leaf-Mentha Piperita


peppermint oil, mint, balm mint, brandy mint, green mint, American Mint, Lammint, Chinese Mint, Corn Peppermint


In herbal magic, peppermint is used for money, protection, purification, healing and love/lust.  Mint is also used in travel spells, and promote lust. It's also used in Money and prosperity spells. Place a few leaves in your purse or wallet, or rub where you keep your money.  




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